3 Tips For Taking Care Of Your Crossbow After A Long Day Of Bow Hunting

After a long day of bow hunting, you may wonder what you can do after you get home to ensure your crossbow is ready for the next hunt. If so, use the following three tips for taking care of your crossbow to keep it clean and in proper working condition.

Use a Can of Compressed Air to Clean the Rail and Grooves

After being outdoors all day, your crossbow most likely has gotten dirt and dust in the grooves and bow rail. Before you start waxing and lubricating, as discussed in the next sections, you need to clean out these spaces.

To clean dirt and dust off of your crossbow, use a can of compressed air. The force at which the air comes out of the can will blow away the debris even within the tiny spaces of the hilt and beneath the rail.

It also minimizes scratching because you do not need to use a rag to wipe the surface clean. When you use a rag, you could scrape the metal or wood with a piece of sand.

Wax the Bow Strings with Your Fingertips

Once you crossbow is clean, turn your attention towards the bow strings. To help you maintain accuracy, speed, and distance while shooting an arrow, these strings need to stay moist, pliable, and slick. These attributes can all be accomplished by waxing them after every use.

To apply the wax, put a liberal amount on the tips of your index finger and thumb, and spread a thin coat over the strings. Then, gently rub the wax into the strings with your fingertips. 

Lubricate the Metal Rail

After you have waxed your strings and washed your hands thoroughly, the next thing you need to do is to lubricate the metal bow rail. Keeping the rail smooth and slick allows the arrow to glide out of the crossbow without rubbing against the rail.

For your lubricant, choose one that both lubricates and inhibits rust. Gun oil or silicone-based lubricants are ideal for lubricating the rail on your crossbow. However, do not use petroleum jelly. It is too sticky and will draw dust. Also, the petroleum in the jelly will eventually lead to a breakdown of the metal.

To lubricate the rail, simply put a few drops on your fingertips. Then, coat the metal with the oil, and allow lightly wipe off the excess using a clean, lint-free cloth.

Cleaning and lubricating your crossbow will help keep it ready to go the next time you decide to go out bow hunting. For more tips about maintaining your crossbow, speak with a representative at the sporting goods store where you purchased the weapon. They can give you further advice about your particular model, as well as recommend products you can use. Check out places like Kidron Sports Center for more information.
