Why Rubber Flooring Is Essential For Any Home Gym

Home gyms have become extremely popular, perhaps somewhat boosted by the many lockdowns that have happened across the country which restricted access to regular gyms. If you are considering building your own home gym, or have already started, then you might have noticed that hard concrete flooring, carpets, wood, or tiles that you may have in your spare room are not that well equipped for your gym gear. Here is why you should always look for some home gym rubber flooring to cover the area you wish to work out in as well as the consequences that can come if you don't use proper flooring.

Will Not Damage The Flooring

Gym gear is heavy, has edges that might be thick but pronounced, and is often used with quite a lot of force. That means dropping barbells, running on a treadmill, putting weight onto a leg press machine, and similar moves will all exert quite a bit of force on the floor. For normal flooring materials, such as those listed above, these actions will almost certainly cause them to break or get damaged over a long period of time. However, far more insidiously is the compounding weight over many months of the heavy equipment just sitting on the floor. This can lead to built-in dents and scratches that are hard to repair, which rubber flooring prevents.

Sweat Can Be Damaging Too

If you do have flooring that is much more sensitive to liquids, like carpet or timber, then the sweat you produce during your heavy workouts can be quite damaging. A lot of exercises and stretches will have you on the floor, pooling what can be several ounces of liquid directly onto the carpet or timber beneath you. That also does not include spilling any kinds of drinks that you are trying to ingest during your workout. Home gym rubber flooring is water-resistant and gives you a lot more confidence when working out on it due to the grip and texture.


For some exercises like mountain climbers, deadlifts, sit-ups, and so on, you need a surface beneath you that gives you some feedback so that you don't move all over the place. Many common home floors are not adequate enough to stop you from sliding all around. In a worst-case scenario, you could accidentally bunch up the carpet and require professional help to straighten it out again. Gym rubber flooring is non-shifting and will give you a secure base from which to do everything you want to without leaving your home. 

For more information about home gym rubber flooring, contact a sporting service.
